About the Mediator
Stacy Perakis
Ms. Peakis has over 30 years experience in negotiating, business and most recently mediations working with the Pinellas County Office of Human Rights. She is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Mediator in Civil, Family and Dependency.
She has handled countless challenging mediations in structured and informal environments. Most recently, she has been responsible for all HUD (Housing and Urban Development) and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission resolutions on behalf of the Pinellas County Office of Human Rights. This role has given her the opportunity to interact with a diverse clientele ranging from different economic status, national origin, sexual preference, individuals with various disabilities, race, gender, and familial status. This vast experience coupled with her approachable demeanor has developed her skills as a mediator of one that is nimble and adaptable to varied mediations situations.
Employment Mediations
Landlord/Tenant Mediations
Homeowners Association Mediations
Family Mediations
Dependency Mediation